What are the benefits of an Buku Medicine over traditional methods of obtaining medical information?
The Buku Medicine platform is designed to be a free, fast and easy to access medical reference resource online and on App. It helps clinicians to refresh their medical knowledge when faced with an unfamiliar clinical scenario. Whilst not a substitute for discussion with a specialist when there is clinical concern or uncertainty, we hope the app helps to address some of the common queries we receive as medical specialists on-call. Our users find they are more confident in both initiating management and making an onwards referral where appropriate.
Efficiency is the aim of the App, as the alternatives such as calling an on-call specialist, or searching the internet for specialty guidelines can take time.
Benefits of the App
Always available
Content accessed on average within 15 seconds
Written and reviewed by specialists
Concise and clinically-orientated (saving users looking through a wealth of information on websites)
Time saving (our local audit found average time for a call with a haematologist for simple query is 3 minutes 2 seconds, not including time waiting to be connected)
The specialist is not distracted from their tasks
‘Indispensible to clinical practice’
We asked our users to complete a short survey;
How would you rate the app for quality and accuracy of content (n=376)?
How would you rate the app for ease of use (n=376)?
How would you rate the explanation/clarity of content in the app (n=376)?
Primary care practitioners
Over the last 12 months, how many referrals (telephone or advice and guidance) have been prevented by consulting the App before referring (n=216)?
How much would you agree with the following statements (n=216)?
“I feel that the quality of my referral was improved by consulting the App beforehand”
98.1% Agreed/Strongly Agreed
“I feel that my confidence in managing the issue was improved by consulting the App beforehand”
99.5% Agreed/Strongly agreed
“I feel that patient care was improved by consulting the App beforehand”
98.1% Agreed/Strongly Agreed
“I feel more confident managing the problems I have consulted the app about if I encounter them again”
99.1% Agreed/Strongly Agreed
Advice and guidance referrals for haematology from the local CCG* have plateaued over the last 2-3 years despite a consistent increase in all other specialty referrals. From your own clinical practice, do you think that consulting Buku haematology/the haematology section of Buku Medicine has reduced your A and G referrals to haematology over the last 2-3 years (n=143)? (*Local to where the App creators are based)
Secondary or tertiary care practitioners
Over the last 12 months, how many referrals (telephone or written) have been prevented by consulting the App before referring (n=160)?
How much would you agree with the following statements (n=160)?
“I feel that the quality of my referral was improved by consulting the App beforehand”
98.1% Agreed/Strongly Agreed
“I feel that my confidence in managing the issue was improved by consulting the App beforehand”
100% Agreed/Strongly Agreed
“I feel that patient care was improved by consulting the App beforehand”
98.1% Agreed/Strongly Agreed
“I feel more confident managing the problems I have consulted the app about if I encounter them again”
98.7% Agreed/Strongly Agreed
Individual user feedback
“I have found this app really helpful when I'm trying to review blood results in primary care.”
“The haematology section is just so helpful, I use it most days in my clinical practice. I think it has probably reduced my referrals too as I feel more confident to investigate things myself.”
“Thank you so much for all the work you have clearly put into developing this app. I teach final year medical students and I am constantly recommending it. The clarity and relevance of the information is unrivaled (I feel these are your biggest selling points). Can't wait to see what you add next.”
“Very helpful concise app which gives good practical advice for day to day issues whether in primary/secondary care.”
”Easy to learn from and understand, very well structured, great and increasing content. So very useful and has come in handy many a time on my shifts. I cannot fault the app.”
“I’m a haematologist. I tend to endorse the app on most of my A&G to GPS. I’ve started using the other two for my own queries!”
“Very useful, as a GP it helps me quickly remind myself of what work up certain patients need or how to manage something completely.”
“Absolutely indispensable to clinical practise - useful aide memoir for students and trainees”