Dr Alex Langridge
Alex is a Haematology Consultant in the North-East. He founded the App with Steve O’Brien and undertakes much of the daily running of the App. His interests within haematology are myeloma and bone marrow failure, and he has a passion for education and clinical informatics, acting as an IT business unit lead at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust.
He is a former member of the British Society for Haematology Education Committee and the former communications lead for the HaemSTAR network for non-malignant research.
Dr Kerri devine
Kerri is a Diabetes & Endocrinology consultant originally from Glasgow but now working in the North-East of England. She is interested in steroid physiology, improving the patient experience and making endocrinology more accessible.
She is involved in content review and management responsibilities for the App.
Dr toby cockill
Toby is a GP working in North Northumberland. He has a passion for education and improving the working pressures for GPs. He helps to run the app, and reviews content from a primary care perspective to ensure it is clinically relevant and practical for our primary care users.
Prof Steve O’Brien
Steve is an honorary consultant haematologist in the North East and helped to establish Buku Medicine. He is also the NICE technology appraisal committee C chair.
He now undertakes a non-executive role, supporting Buku Medicine’s ongoing development.