Governance and User privacy



Buku Medicine started as Buku Haematology, with a writing team of Alex Langridge, Steve O’Brien and Vicki Ware.

As the module has developed and we now have many further authors, with Alex, Kerri, Steve and Toby undertaking content review and management responsibilities.

All specialties work under a governance framework. New content is proposed by an author, prepared and then checked by both a second registrar and a consultant. The content is logged in our database, and is reviewed annually to check that it remains up to date. Due to the general nature of the subject matter, changes in the understanding of the issues discussed is very unlikely to change, therefore annual checks have been deemed ample for keeping the content accurate. This applies for all specialties included in the App.



Trust from our users is critical, and we want to remain open about data collection. The information collected is set by our App hosts, Appyourself. We choose to collect no further information beyond this. Buku Medicine takes the following information from users;

Please contact us at if you want to know more.


Our first 2 years of costs were kindly paid for by Health Education England North East. They supported us in establishing the App on it’s current platform, costs to attend 2 conferences to help promote the App and helped with local promotion. We are incredibly grateful for their support in helping us to get off the ground.

We have had further support from the Academic Health Sciences Network North-East and North Cumbria, Sunderland Software City, Innovate UK Edge and the Innovation Supernetwork for which we are incredibly grateful.